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Research Report - Content Coverage and the Role of Instructional Leadership


Promoting Rigorous Outcomes in Mathematics and Science Education (PROM/SE) has published volume 7 of The PROM/SE Research Report titled "Content Coverage and the Role of Instructional Leadership."

This study examines the variation in reported science content coverage among 53 PROM/SE districts in Michigan and Ohio. Variation is also described among schools within participating districts and among classrooms within the same school. Data point to extensive variation in the amount of time allocated to science instruction at district, school, and classroom levels across elementary and middle grades. In a subset of 5 adjacent school districts, striking variation is noted in the coverage of topics addressed when compared to the science curriculum of high achieving TIMSS countries. Similarly notable variability is found in the number of instructional days devoted to science topics in schools within the same district and in classrooms within the same school. Findings reflect the importance of instructional leadership at all levels of the educational system to ensure that district intentions and school-level implementation are aligned in promoting coherent and consistent enactment of rigorous standards. The need for strong instructional leadership by district superintendents as well as building principals is discussed in detail.

This issue and past issues of The PROM/SE Research Report are available for downloading from in the "research and results" section